After 28th March, there has not been a single day I have touched my books. I have not practiced a single sum in Maths, not written down a Physical- chemical formula or even memorised anything. Life feels weird for sometime outside the world of our school. Just the hope is there that we will be able to recollect everything in college. Even the things we have not done in school like Calculus and I have like 2 courses in it. I promised myself I will go through it again after everyone leaves and I am left alone in Dubai because I am like one of the last to leave this place. This fun work filled summer has indeed been exciting. Not a single day was boring or uneventful.
From the start we had decided to work and continue with our passion of film (Video) making and see where we stand in the Industry. I say, not too far away from the top. Okay, a bit of exaggeration but our projects grew bigger and bigger over the period and now we are doing a documentary for Dubai Centre for Special Needs and that’s a big thing and on top of that we reached a position to sacrifice a project from a famous Bakery ‘Mr. Baker’ to have fun and chillax. The whole journey was worth it and now we have enough money in our pockets to spend like Rich spoilt Dudes. But once a miser always a miser. I will always be a miser; I don’t think I can change that. But I have been treating. Seriously though we have learnt a lot in the process about the industry and our clients, the business world, documentary making, interviews, politics, handling people and making contacts. The most important thing that I have learnt from the whole thing is that there are still people in this world who are really helpful and won’t complain a bit if we ask for their assistance. It is unbelievable the amount of help we have received from our contacts. I sincerely thank them
Even the whole experience for me with Dhruv helped me learn a lot about the film making industry and the Production houses and how to start as a film maker in this vast industry. It did cost me a lot of time and money in commuting from Karama to Emirates Hills. The Dubai Transport is completely to blame. It is seriously not safe to travel by bus during office hours. I have seen fights taking place and people getting pushed of the bus. Even the timings are infrequent. Waiting in the Dubai heat for 1 to 2 hours for a bus and coming back is just bullshit but people struggle and do it day after day. I guess all they can do is wait for the Metro system because the traffic is just killing. Overall my first employment did show me the struggles of life and how tough it can be. I guess I now know where I have to go and what I need to achieve in life.
Even though with all our work, we managed to find time for fun and games. We had our kinda fun. And now thanks to we are again dignified members of society. We can now walk into a mall and actually act like we are here to buy something. I was able to treat my parents for a fancy dinner at Nando’s for the first time and buy my very own stress reliever. Even my Laptop came as a blessing and now I can chat and facebook from my bed!! It is not bad at all to be lazy.
Now only things to look forward to are SFS, UTSC and Calculus. Oh….yea and Mystery shopping. The best way to earn seriously!!!
All the members of Redial, even the one in Bombay, Thank you for a great summer.
Not bad at all for a summer experience.