Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fire in the hood

While studying for an economics exam you do not expect your neighbour hood to catch fire. Do you?
Yesterday, at around 10: 45 ish in the night there was a series of blasts in my hood. They were loud enough for anybody to think that it was a bomb blast, considering the world we live in now days.
My mother was outside in the balcony taking a stroll after dinner when she told me to come outside.
All I could see was smoke and red flames of fire as high as the Bikanearwala building. All I could hear were the blasts. It was quite frightening and scary (for a lack of a better word). First thing you think about is to evacuate. But we stayed and panicked. People started coming down from everywhere screaming and shouting.

A sudden shiver does run down your body when you experience and see something like this happening. Shocking!!
One thing though, I was impressed with the police and the fire department of Dubai. They were fast and quick enough to reach there and tackle the chaotic and burning situation on time. The fire fighters didn't know what to do at first as it was caused due the electric box placed there. Apparently it just decided to blow up in the middle of the night. The cars surrounding the box also caught fire and blew up. One of them was a merc. There was also a pick up truck and 2 two other cars. That explained the series of blasts. I was scared for Amrit, the 9th grader; seriously, he lives on the blast side of the Bikanearwala building. Apparently, he was downstairs taking pictures and having fun.
It may sound clichéd but I did start to think of the people who have actually faced a situation of a bomb blast and lost their loved ones. I mean this fire was nothing compared to those ones, and still this fire made me shit in my pants and made me think of things I need to take before i evacuate. My Samsung came first in my mind. Not funny … look in the middle of my mom's face did terrify me...... I started thinking of my life and what I have been through so far. The people I have met and the people I would affect if something happens to me. I had a troubled night thinking of all this and could not concentrate much more on Eco.

By 1 everything cleared off…. The electric box had disappeared, the cars had turned to ash, the people are calm now, and no one was hurt other than the owner of the merc. - financially.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scary! But its funny that although you ignored eco, it had the last word (literally - check!). lol.
Hope Bikanervala opens soon!

Thu Nov 16, 04:03:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Tejas said...

Hey romit!
I liked your post...interesting photos!
Your Samsung!hahahahahhahaha....
well at least you know how it feels...i burnt cds during the earthquake remember?
my burning of CDs and worries are justified!

Thu Nov 16, 08:37:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Shweta said...

hmm... i was in a bomb blast..
well.... metres away from it:P

in bbay a few years ago.. i was in the taj palace business centre doing holiday homework while dad had a meeting.. n i like sitting near the window(a)... there was a blast infront of the gateway of india.. the whole place was shaking..i went flying accross the room.. dad thought i was dead8-).. well.. i thought i was dead.. still have a scar on my ankle n back from the broken glass of tht window!:P

grade 8 i think.. yea.. septemer 2003..sorry for writing such a long comment!:P


Sun Nov 19, 06:01:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Romit said...

hey thats freaky........bec. of the blast flew back???... woahhh...thats some experience....ure lucky ...would love to be in ure position

Mon Nov 20, 12:58:00 PM 2006  

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